Our network of Kollel Ahavas Yisroel V’Yerushalayim supports hundreds of Torah Scholars in six different Advanced Torah Academies across the country. Recipients of this support are today, prominent Torah leaders. Our alumni have authored over one hundred major Torah publications. In addition we cover the cost of tuition and textbooks for the children of financially strapped families.
Struggling and unhappy children will lead to troubled adults. Ledorosom was created to ensure that children who need help get the right intervention at a young age. When a child enters the school system they are evaluated for difficulties in multiple areas, from physical and emotional to educational and social. This ensures that problems are caught early on, facilitating simpler treatment and solution. Timely intervention allows the children to be mainstreamed early on, and enables them to have greater success and confidence, both in school and at home. We are preparing them to be successful adults!
Every married couple deserves to start their lives together under the happiest circumstances possible. We are committed to ensuring poverty is not the cause for a disturbed wedding day. Over 1 million NIS is distributed annually for clothing and wedding expenses, including a hall and caterer.
Over 1000 meals are distributed to close to 250 families every week. Additionally twice a year 750 families receive a generous stipend to help obtain their basic needs.
The Kimch D’Pischa campaign provides financial support to almost 1400 families and 2,000 pairs of childrens shoes.
When a gap arises in covering medical bills, we step in and collaborate with other organizations and care providers to cover the expenses which would otherwise fall on the patient or their family to provide for.